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Funding and Engaging in Advocacy: Opportunities for Small Foundations (electronic download)


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NonMember Price: - $15.00


Small foundations often know the problems and needs in their communities better than most. That is why it can be valuable for foundations to leverage their resources and understanding of local needs to support nonprofit advocacy. But how do you get started?

This primer provides you with a wide “comfort zone” for funding advocacy activities, engaging in advocacy yourself, and talking about advocacy with grantees and grantseekers. It answers questions like:
  • What is advocacy?
  • Why do advocacy?
  • Why is advocacy misunderstood?
  • What advocacy activities can your foundation do?
  • What advocacy activities can your foundation not do?
The primer also offers a sample grant agreement that doesn’t restrict legal advocacy by grantees. By supporting and engaging in advocacy, your foundation has the opportunity to help more people beyond the grant cycle.

16 pages

Print version available here.

Product Details

Product ID: 1012

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